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At the international level, ‘open by default’ is now endorsed as a guiding principle for official statistics and open data are a regular item for discussion at the United Nations Statistical Commission. Yet implementation of this principle is often uneven: Only 27 national governments have signed up to the Open Data Charter 4 (Open Data Charter, 2024) and while global openness scores on the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) have improved from 2 South Sudan and Yemen are counted as part of the 189 countries, as they have signaled their intent to submit their first VNR at the High-level Political Forum in July 2024. The Open Data Charter and its principles were developed in 2015 by governments, civil society, and experts around the world to represent a globally-agreed set of aspirational norms for how to publish data. 338 to 57 out of 100 (Open Data Watch, 2023), this still leaves too few countries with a practical implementation of government open data policies. In addition, it is not fully understood how countries apply the open data principle throughout all of their operations, particularly with regard to SDG reporting." +post_title: "How open is SDG reporting?" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "how-open-is-sdg-reporting" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-07-19 18:04:44" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-07-19 18:04:44" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8184" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 1 => WP_Post {#1987 +ID: 3673 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2022-08-15 05:29:03" +post_date_gmt: "2022-08-15 05:29:03" +post_content: "OpenSpending exists to <em>map the money worldwide</em> – that is, to track and analyse public financial information globally." +post_title: "Open Spending" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "open-spending" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 13:40:01" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 13:40:01" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "http://opendatacharter.net/?post_type=resource&p=3673" +menu_order: 7 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 2 => WP_Post {#1978 +ID: 5911 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-10-14 16:09:32" +post_date_gmt: "2021-10-14 16:09:32" +post_content: "Así, se ha elaborado una Hoja de Ruta de apertura de datos anticorrupción que considera las prioridades anticorrupción del Ecuador establecidas en los talleres de priorización que se realizaron con la participación de representantes de Academia, sociedad civil, sectores público y privado, junto con aspectos técnicos que deben realizarse para avanzar." +post_title: "Modelo de Governanza de Datos" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "modelo-de-governanza-de-datos" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:35:14" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:35:14" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5911" +menu_order: 15 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 3 => WP_Post {#1981 +ID: 5906 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-10-14 15:58:47" +post_date_gmt: "2021-10-14 15:58:47" +post_content: "El presente documento tiene como objetivo establecer una Hoja de Ruta para la Apertura de Datos Anticorrupción en Ecuador, a través de un cronograma de corto, mediano y largo plazo para disponibilizar bases de datos de utilidad para combatir la corrupción." +post_title: "Hoja de ruta para la apertura de datos anticorrupcion en Ecuador" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "hoja-de-ruta-para-la-apertura-de-datos-anticorrupcion-en-ecuador" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:37:55" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:37:55" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5906" +menu_order: 16 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 4 => WP_Post {#1985 +ID: 5900 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-10-14 08:08:07" +post_date_gmt: "2021-10-14 08:08:07" +post_content: "The Roadmap to fight corruption with open data is aimed at a diverse audience with different backgrounds and levels of expertise in anti-corruption or open data. Experts and beginners Both alike will find useful material to shape their ideas towards stronger OGP commitments." +post_title: "Roadmap to Fight Corruption Tool" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "roadmap-to-fight-corruption-tool" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:38:22" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:38:22" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5900" +menu_order: 17 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 5 => WP_Post {#1988 +ID: 5785 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2021-06-02 13:35:57" +post_date_gmt: "2021-06-02 13:35:57" +post_content: "L’objectif de cet outil est de guider représentants du gouvernement et sociétés civiles dans le processus de rédaction d’un engagement sur les données ouvertes pour la lutte contre la corruption." +post_title: "Le Créateur d’Engagements Anti-Corruption: 4 étapes pour générer des engagements OGP de données ouvertes pour combattre la corruption" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "le-createur-dengagements-anti-corruption" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:17:21" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:17:21" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5785" +menu_order: 20 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 6 => WP_Post {#1989 +ID: 5750 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-04-28 10:59:26" +post_date_gmt: "2021-04-28 10:59:26" +post_content: """ <img class="alignnone wp-image-5751 size-full" src="https://opendatacharter.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Screenshot-2021-04-28-at-6.57.04-PM-e1619607499723.png" alt="" width="798" height="414" /> El objetivo de esta herramienta es guiar a representantes de gobierno y la\r\n sociedad civil en el proceso de redacción de un compromiso sobre datos abiertos\r\n para la lucha contra la corrupción. """ +post_title: "El Creador de Compromisos Anti-Corrupción: 4 pasos para generar compromisos OGP de datos abiertos para combatir la corrupción" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "el-creador-de-compromisos-anti-corrupcion-4-pasos-para-generar-compromisos-ogp-de-datos-abiertos-para-combatir-la-corrupcion" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:17:51" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:17:51" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5750" +menu_order: 21 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 7 => WP_Post {#1990 +ID: 5743 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-04-28 09:55:47" +post_date_gmt: "2021-04-28 09:55:47" +post_content: """ <img class="alignnone wp-image-5745 size-full" src="https://opendatacharter.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Screenshot-2021-04-28-at-5.57.29-PM-e1619607337595.png" alt="" width="794" height="362" />\r\n The goal of this tool is to guide participants from government and civil society through the process of drafting a commitment on open data for anti-corruption. """ +post_title: "The Anti-corruption Commitment Creator: 4 steps to generating OGP open data commitments to combat corruption" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "the-anticorruption-commitment-creator-4-steps-to-generating-ogp-open-data-commitments-to-combat-corruption" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:28:12" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:28:12" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5743" +menu_order: 22 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 8 => WP_Post {#1991 +ID: 5593 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-09-14 17:33:47" +post_date_gmt: "2020-09-14 17:33:47" +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Executive Summary from CAF’s public integrity report outlining the opportunity to open up data to monitor and prevent corruption using ODC’s Open Up Guide to Combat Corruption.</span>" +post_title: "Integrity in public policy: Keys to prevent corruption" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "integrity-in-public-policy-keys-to-prevent-corruption" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:43:17" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:43:17" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5593" +menu_order: 33 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 9 => WP_Post {#2141 +ID: 5591 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-09-14 17:32:29" +post_date_gmt: "2020-09-14 17:32:29" +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Collection of 37 essays from almost 70 authors and supported by over 200 other contributors, on the current state of open data from a range of different perspectives, offering the most comprehensive attempt to explore the breadth and depth of the open data field to date.</span>" +post_title: "The State of Open Data: Histories and Horizons" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "the-state-of-open-data-histories-and-horizons" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:26:31" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:26:31" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5591" +menu_order: 34 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } ] +post_count: 10 +current_post: -1 +before_loop: true +in_the_loop: false +post: WP_Post {#1983} +comment_count: 0 +current_comment: -1 +found_posts: 45 +max_num_pages: 5.0 +max_num_comment_pages: 0 +is_single: false +is_preview: false +is_page: false +is_archive: true +is_date: false +is_year: false +is_month: false +is_day: false +is_time: false +is_author: false +is_category: false +is_tag: false +is_tax: true +is_search: false +is_feed: false +is_comment_feed: false +is_trackback: false +is_home: false +is_privacy_policy: false +is_404: false +is_embed: false +is_paged: false +is_admin: false +is_attachment: false +is_singular: false +is_robots: false +is_favicon: false +is_posts_page: false +is_post_type_archive: false -query_vars_hash: "91cc4ad92db14dd5cfe89349f1a646e0" -query_vars_changed: false +thumbnails_cached: false #allow_query_attachment_by_filename: false -stopwords: null -compat_fields: array:2 [ 0 => "query_vars_hash" 1 => "query_vars_changed" ] -compat_methods: array:2 [ 0 => "init_query_flags" 1 => "parse_tax_query" ] }