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For example, green bonds require the bond issuer to communicate environmental or climate sustainability objectives to investors in a transparent manner, as well as to undergo external evaluation and review. Therefore, having a robust and clear monitoring and reporting system in place can help governments access new instruments and consolidate the operationalization of their climate action, in alignment with the targets set by their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The publication consists of four parts." +post_title: "Toward Enhanced Climate Ambition: Transparency and Digital Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "toward-enhanced-climate-ambition-transparency-and-digital-governance-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-05-09 00:32:16" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-05-09 00:32:16" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8128" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 2 => WP_Post {#1978 +ID: 6617 +post_author: "105" +post_date: "2023-07-21 04:37:03" +post_date_gmt: "2023-07-21 04:37:03" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>A competition launched in 2022 that sought solutions for climate action, through the use of public data. Launched in 2022, together with Agesic and the SNRCC and with the support of the IDB and the Open Data Institute and Microsoft as strategic allies. The proposals had to be: 1) applications or 2) data journalism and investigative projects. The proposals had to be: 1) applications or 2) data journalism and investigative projects.zz</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "Uruguay's Climate Change Open Data Innovation Challenge " +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "uruguay-climate-change-open-data-report" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-01-22 09:59:37" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-01-22 09:59:37" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6617" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 3 => WP_Post {#1981 +ID: 6498 +post_author: "105" +post_date: "2023-05-24 14:14:53" +post_date_gmt: "2023-05-24 14:14:53" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>El presente documento es una sistematización de la realización del DesafíoGT: Impulso a la Innovación de Adquisiciones a Pagos, una iniciativa del Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas, El Fondo Monetario Internacional con apoyo de Open Data Charter que buscóidentificar y promover soluciones innovadoras con potencial en la mejora de procesos enlas finanzas públicas a partir del uso de datos públicos y abiertos.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "DESAFIOGT: Impulso a la Innovacion de Adquisciones a Pagos" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "desafiogt-impulso-a-la-innovacion-de-adquisciones-a-pagos" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 13:41:37" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 13:41:37" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6498" +menu_order: 1 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 4 => WP_Post {#1985 +ID: 6300 +post_author: "105" +post_date: "2023-04-23 14:28:35" +post_date_gmt: "2023-04-23 14:28:35" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>En 2022, nuevamente junto a Agesic y el SNRCC y con el apoyo del BID y de Open Data Institute y Microsoft como aliados estratégicos, se propuso trabajar en la promoción y reuso de datos públicos y abiertos. Para ello, se diseñó y lanzó el <a href="https://www.gub.uy/agencia-gobierno-electronico-sociedad-informacion-conocimiento/comunicacion/noticias/concurso-datos-climaticos-abiertos">Concurso Datos Climáticos Abiertos</a>, una iniciativa dirigida a ciudadanos, estudiantes, desarrolladores, emprendedores, organizaciones privadas, comunicadores, activistas, investigadores, periodistas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil. El Concurso buscó, a través del uso de datos públicos, proponer soluciones innovadoras frente al cambio climático.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "Concurso de Datos Climáticos Abiertos Uruguay" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "concurso-de-datos-climaticos-abiertos-uruguay" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-14 22:17:11" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-14 22:17:11" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6300" +menu_order: 2 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 5 => WP_Post {#1988 +ID: 6190 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2023-03-24 09:22:59" +post_date_gmt: "2023-03-24 09:22:59" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>Ya sea a nivel individual como colectivo, día a día tomamos decisiones vinculadas al cambio climáti-<br />co, las cuales tienen un impacto sobre la vida en la tierra tal como la conocemos, tanto para los seres humanos como para los ecosistemas. Para que gobiernos, empresarios o la ciudadanía en general<br />puedan tomar mejores decisiones, la disponibilidad de información de calidad resulta un asunto<br />vital.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "Datos abiertos para la acción climática en Uruguay" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "datos-abiertos-para-la-accion-climatica-en-uruguay-2" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-14 22:18:20" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-14 22:18:20" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6190" +menu_order: 4 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 6 => WP_Post {#1989 +ID: 6175 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2023-02-03 09:54:32" +post_date_gmt: "2023-02-03 09:54:32" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>The ODC has worked on open data for climate action alongside the World Resources Institute and other organisations. At a time when core grants are moving past the open data agenda, the creation of collaborative projects is increasingly needed to make sure that openness of data remains at the heart of global challenges be they climate action, climate justice, or resilience.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "The Open Data Community and Climate Report: Opportunities for Focused Collaboration" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "the-open-data-community-and-climate-report" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-14 22:19:49" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-14 22:19:49" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6175" +menu_order: 5 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 7 => WP_Post {#1990 +ID: 6001 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-06-25 09:54:00" +post_date_gmt: "2021-06-25 09:54:00" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>Uruguay became one of the first countries to put our Open Up Guide for Climate Action to the test so as to understand its usefulness, collaborate with open data agendas, and begin to empower the community of open data and climate change.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "Open Data for Climate Action in Uruguay: Working towards an opening plan" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "open-datafor-climate-actionin-uruguayworking-towards-an-opening-plan" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:38:58" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:38:58" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6001" +menu_order: 18 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 8 => WP_Post {#1991 +ID: 5860 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2021-06-25 05:26:38" +post_date_gmt: "2021-06-25 05:26:38" +post_content: "En base a las consultas realizadas por el Center for Open Data Enterprise, la Carta Internacionalde Datos Abiertos (ODC) junto al World Resource Institute (WRI), han desarrollado una herramienta conocida como Guía de Apertura de Datos de Cambio Climático." +post_title: "Datos abiertos para la acción climática en Uruguay" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "datos-abiertos-para-la-accion-climatica-en-uruguay" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:39:20" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:39:20" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5860" +menu_order: 19 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 9 => WP_Post {#2138 +ID: 5717 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2021-03-12 18:18:52" +post_date_gmt: "2021-03-12 18:18:52" +post_content: "This paper aims to promote greater accessibility of climate-related data by building government officials’ and other stakeholders’ understanding of the benefits of open data principles and practices." +post_title: "Implementing Open Data Strategies for Climate Action" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "implementing-open-data-strategies-for-climate-action" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:31:54" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:31:54" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5717" +menu_order: 25 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } ] +post_count: 10 +current_post: -1 +before_loop: true +in_the_loop: false +post: WP_Post {#1983} +comment_count: 0 +current_comment: -1 +found_posts: 20 +max_num_pages: 2.0 +max_num_comment_pages: 0 +is_single: false +is_preview: false +is_page: false +is_archive: true +is_date: false +is_year: false +is_month: false +is_day: false +is_time: false +is_author: false +is_category: false +is_tag: false +is_tax: true +is_search: false +is_feed: false +is_comment_feed: false +is_trackback: false +is_home: false +is_privacy_policy: false +is_404: false +is_embed: false +is_paged: false +is_admin: false +is_attachment: false +is_singular: false +is_robots: false +is_favicon: false +is_posts_page: false +is_post_type_archive: false -query_vars_hash: "1465c86ad528a7abfc02846631605edc" -query_vars_changed: false +thumbnails_cached: false #allow_query_attachment_by_filename: false -stopwords: null -compat_fields: array:2 [ 0 => "query_vars_hash" 1 => "query_vars_changed" ] -compat_methods: array:2 [ 0 => "init_query_flags" 1 => "parse_tax_query" ] }