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At the international level, ‘open by default’ is now endorsed as a guiding principle for official statistics and open data are a regular item for discussion at the United Nations Statistical Commission. Yet implementation of this principle is often uneven: Only 27 national governments have signed up to the Open Data Charter 4 (Open Data Charter, 2024) and while global openness scores on the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) have improved from 2 South Sudan and Yemen are counted as part of the 189 countries, as they have signaled their intent to submit their first VNR at the High-level Political Forum in July 2024. The Open Data Charter and its principles were developed in 2015 by governments, civil society, and experts around the world to represent a globally-agreed set of aspirational norms for how to publish data. 338 to 57 out of 100 (Open Data Watch, 2023), this still leaves too few countries with a practical implementation of government open data policies. In addition, it is not fully understood how countries apply the open data principle throughout all of their operations, particularly with regard to SDG reporting." +post_title: "How open is SDG reporting?" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "how-open-is-sdg-reporting" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-07-19 18:04:44" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-07-19 18:04:44" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8184" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 1 => WP_Post {#1987 +ID: 8129 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2024-05-08 23:59:38" +post_date_gmt: "2024-05-08 23:59:38" +post_content: "En esta publicación, elaborada de manera conjunta por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), se presenta un análisis del estado del arte en materia de gobernanza de datos climáticos y de la implementación del MTR en la región." +post_title: "HACIA UNA AMBICIÓN CLIMÁTICA MEJORADA Transparencia y gobernanza digital en América Latina y el Caribe" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "hacia-una-ambicion-climatica-mejorada-transparencia-y-gobernanza-digital-en-america-latina-y-el-caribe" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-05-09 00:32:39" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-05-09 00:32:39" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8129" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 2 => WP_Post {#1978 +ID: 8128 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2024-05-08 23:46:05" +post_date_gmt: "2024-05-08 23:46:05" +post_content: "Climate data governance is a key step in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by innovative financial mechanisms, based on the provision of data and indicators that can attest to the achievement of a country's climate targets and commitments. For example, green bonds require the bond issuer to communicate environmental or climate sustainability objectives to investors in a transparent manner, as well as to undergo external evaluation and review. Therefore, having a robust and clear monitoring and reporting system in place can help governments access new instruments and consolidate the operationalization of their climate action, in alignment with the targets set by their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The publication consists of four parts." +post_title: "Toward Enhanced Climate Ambition: Transparency and Digital Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "toward-enhanced-climate-ambition-transparency-and-digital-governance-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-05-09 00:32:16" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-05-09 00:32:16" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8128" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 3 => WP_Post {#1981 +ID: 3655 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2022-08-15 05:26:08" +post_date_gmt: "2022-08-15 05:26:08" +post_content: "The latest European Data Portal training companion is a collection that helps you deliver training on the basics of Open Data and provides you with supporting materials to suit your needs." +post_title: "European Data Portal Training Companion" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "european-data-portal-training-companion" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 13:40:52" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 13:40:52" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "http://opendatacharter.net/?post_type=resource&p=3655" +menu_order: 8 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 4 => WP_Post {#1985 +ID: 5736 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2021-04-19 17:04:31" +post_date_gmt: "2021-04-19 17:04:31" +post_content: "Guide developed by Catalonia's government with standised criteria and requirements to ensure quality open data in thier Open Data Portal" +post_title: "Metadata Guide" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "metadata-guide" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:30:43" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:30:43" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5736" +menu_order: 24 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 5 => WP_Post {#1988 +ID: 5591 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-09-14 17:32:29" +post_date_gmt: "2020-09-14 17:32:29" +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Collection of 37 essays from almost 70 authors and supported by over 200 other contributors, on the current state of open data from a range of different perspectives, offering the most comprehensive attempt to explore the breadth and depth of the open data field to date.</span>" +post_title: "The State of Open Data: Histories and Horizons" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "the-state-of-open-data-histories-and-horizons" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 14:26:31" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 14:26:31" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5591" +menu_order: 34 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 6 => WP_Post {#1989 +ID: 5248 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-02-06 19:36:34" +post_date_gmt: "2020-02-06 19:36:34" +post_content: "Open data is an asset for improving accountability and governance.; yet examples of impact have been slow to emerge. It is likely that we need to make adjustments in the way that work in the field is organised, funded and delivered if we are to improve impact. This paper offers a draft of a framework for understanding that work, against which we can map investments and projects to assess gaps or structural issues." +post_title: "Mapping open data for accountability" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "mapping-open-data-for-accountability" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 16:20:32" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 16:20:32" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5248" +menu_order: 46 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 7 => WP_Post {#1990 +ID: 5245 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-02-06 19:32:15" +post_date_gmt: "2020-02-06 19:32:15" +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">The CEOs of seven high-profile international ‘open’ organisations got together, with the belief that they can achieve more impact by combining efforts, especially as they face shared challenges. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">This report is the result of an examination of how these organisations can collaborate, and identifies a series of actions that the organisations collectively wish to explore.</span>" +post_title: "Sum of Our Parts: Open Organisations" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "sum-of-our-parts-open-organisations" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 16:20:54" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 16:20:54" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5245" +menu_order: 47 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 8 => WP_Post {#1991 +ID: 5235 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-02-06 19:21:26" +post_date_gmt: "2020-02-06 19:21:26" +post_content: "Our 2018 strategy focuses on the growing recognition that opening up data in isolation is less effective than it can be if targeted at solving specific policy problems—that “publish with purpose” can deliver more than “publish and they will come”." +post_title: "Publishing with Purpose: ODC 2018 Strategy" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "publishing-with-purpose-odc-2018-strategy" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-01-05 03:37:42" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-01-05 03:37:42" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5235" +menu_order: 50 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 9 => WP_Post {#2115 +ID: 5231 +post_author: "13" +post_date: "2020-02-06 19:16:45" +post_date_gmt: "2020-02-06 19:16:45" +post_content: "The Open Data Charter is overseen by a governance structure designed to reflect our position as a trusted space that guides, connects and enables governments and organisations to deliver impact from open data." +post_title: "Open Data Charter's governance structure" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "open-data-charters-governance-structure" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 16:19:35" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 16:19:35" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=5231" +menu_order: 51 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } ] +post_count: 10 +current_post: -1 +before_loop: true +in_the_loop: false +post: WP_Post {#1983} +comment_count: 0 +current_comment: -1 +found_posts: 43 +max_num_pages: 5.0 +max_num_comment_pages: 0 +is_single: false +is_preview: false +is_page: false +is_archive: true +is_date: false +is_year: false +is_month: false +is_day: false +is_time: false +is_author: false +is_category: false +is_tag: false +is_tax: true +is_search: false +is_feed: false +is_comment_feed: false +is_trackback: false +is_home: false +is_privacy_policy: false +is_404: false +is_embed: false +is_paged: false +is_admin: false +is_attachment: false +is_singular: false +is_robots: false +is_favicon: false +is_posts_page: false +is_post_type_archive: false -query_vars_hash: "0c70fc6e2c02cf62b525919e1329254e" -query_vars_changed: false +thumbnails_cached: false #allow_query_attachment_by_filename: false -stopwords: null -compat_fields: array:2 [ 0 => "query_vars_hash" 1 => "query_vars_changed" ] -compat_methods: array:2 [ 0 => "init_query_flags" 1 => "parse_tax_query" ] }