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      +post_author: "2"
      +post_date: "2024-07-05 10:37:35"
      +post_date_gmt: "2024-07-05 10:37:35"
      +post_content: "Following this line of work, and thinking of expanding the analysis, we set out to investigate the normative status at the regional level in Africa, to then zoom in on the situation in three countries, and finally to see how the tension between the two rights is resolved in specific cases. This study was intended as a first glimpse into the regional landscape and we look forward to deepening and broadening the research in the future. \r\n"
      +post_title: "Finding the Rights Balance: Access to Information and Data Protection in Africa "
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      +post_content: "In this study, we aim to examine data protection policies in the European Union and Latin America juxtaposed with initiatives concerning open government data and access to public information. We analyse the regulatory landscape, international rankings, and commitments about each right in four countries from each region to achieve this."
      +post_title: "Access to Public Information, Open Data, and Personal Data Protection: How do they dialogue with each other?"
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        En este trabajo de investigación nos proponemos analizar las políticas de protección de datos en países de la Unión Europea y de América Latina, así como las políticas de apertura de datos gubernamentales y de Acceso a la Información Pública. Buscamos entender el estado de situación de cada derecho, como dialogan entre sí para su ponderación, entender qué tensiones existen, y de qué manera se puede lograr un equilibrio.\r\n
      +post_title: "Acceso a la Información Pública, Datos Abiertos, y Protección de Datos Personales: ¿cómo dialogan entre sí?"
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        <p>Following the political declaration adopted at the occasion of the United Nations’ 75th anniversary in<br />September 2020, the Secretary-General in September 2021 released, "Our Common<br />Agenda". The Common Agenda proposes a Global Digital Compact to be agreed at the Summit of the<br />Future in September 2024. <a href="https://www.un.org/techenvoy/global-digital-compact/submissions">The Global Digital Compact</a> is expected to “outline shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all”. This is the Open Data Charter's contribution.</p>\r\n
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      +post_title: "Open Data and the Right to Privacy in a global digital strategy"
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      +post_content: "How to accelerate the reuse of Data for Public Interest Purposes while ensuring data rights and community flourishing. The paper identifies the achievements and deficits in current and past approaches to open data and charts a new way forward for the movement that builds on lessons learned."
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