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        <i>The Policy+ Initiative identifies six target areas to support governments in strengthening the role of open government data policies and initiatives with a focus on health emergencies drawing upon observed practices across OECD member and non-member countries and adopters of the Open Data Charter.\r\n
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      +post_content: "This case study of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) will examine the challenges for local public sector organization in terms of agenda setting, formulation of public policy, implementation and evaluation channels/models."
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      +post_content: "Building on Phase 1, we provide here further synthesis research around common themes which arose across many of the projects, focusing on the social, political and legal aspects required to build a thriving open data community"
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      +post_content: "<p class="text">How open data actually works, and what forms of impact it is really having? This report contains 19 case studies conducted by the GovLab to try to answer this.</p>"
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      +post_content: "Roadmap that set out steps the UK government can take to continue drive progress in open data for improved policy-making, and social, environmental and economic benefit."
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