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This study was intended as a first glimpse into the regional landscape and we look forward to deepening and broadening the research in the future. \r\n" +post_title: "Finding the Rights Balance: Access to Information and Data Protection in Africa " +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "finding-the-rights-balance-access-to-information-and-data-protection-in-africa" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-07-05 10:37:35" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-07-05 10:37:35" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8181" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 1 => WP_Post {#1985 +ID: 8129 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2024-05-08 23:59:38" +post_date_gmt: "2024-05-08 23:59:38" +post_content: "En esta publicación, elaborada de manera conjunta por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), se presenta un análisis del estado del arte en materia de gobernanza de datos climáticos y de la implementación del MTR en la región." +post_title: "HACIA UNA AMBICIÓN CLIMÁTICA MEJORADA Transparencia y gobernanza digital en América Latina y el Caribe" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "hacia-una-ambicion-climatica-mejorada-transparencia-y-gobernanza-digital-en-america-latina-y-el-caribe" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-05-09 00:32:39" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-05-09 00:32:39" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8129" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 2 => WP_Post {#1978 +ID: 8128 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2024-05-08 23:46:05" +post_date_gmt: "2024-05-08 23:46:05" +post_content: "Climate data governance is a key step in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by innovative financial mechanisms, based on the provision of data and indicators that can attest to the achievement of a country's climate targets and commitments. For example, green bonds require the bond issuer to communicate environmental or climate sustainability objectives to investors in a transparent manner, as well as to undergo external evaluation and review. Therefore, having a robust and clear monitoring and reporting system in place can help governments access new instruments and consolidate the operationalization of their climate action, in alignment with the targets set by their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The publication consists of four parts." +post_title: "Toward Enhanced Climate Ambition: Transparency and Digital Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "toward-enhanced-climate-ambition-transparency-and-digital-governance-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-05-09 00:32:16" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-05-09 00:32:16" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8128" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 3 => WP_Post {#1981 +ID: 8107 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2024-04-09 14:13:40" +post_date_gmt: "2024-04-09 14:13:40" +post_content: "Open Data needs its time in the limelight again. For the next three years The Open Data Charter is focused on playing a supporting role in our part in the data ecosystem, while keeping sight of the people and the communities that open data caters to and serves. We hope to have deeper conversations with our stakeholders who operate within the local, regional, national and the global contexts to translate open data accessibility and usability, towards purpose, policy and practice." +post_title: "Sustainable Data for a Changing World: Our Strategy for 2024-2026" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "sustainable-data-for-a-changing-world-our-strategy-for-2024-2026" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-05-06 10:46:15" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-05-06 10:46:15" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8107" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 4 => WP_Post {#1986 +ID: 8052 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2024-01-22 10:23:53" +post_date_gmt: "2024-01-22 10:23:53" +post_content: "The State of Land Information (SOLI) research and reports seek to provide an overview of available government data and information on key land issues. The aim of the research is to uncover the many different sources of land data and information at the country-level and help to identify data and information gaps." +post_title: "State of Land Information in Madagascar" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "state-of-land-information-in-madagascar" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-03-08 01:32:48" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-03-08 01:32:48" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8052" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 5 => WP_Post {#1987 +ID: 8051 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2023-10-30 10:11:26" +post_date_gmt: "2023-10-30 10:11:26" +post_content: "Un proyecto colaborativo para la construcciónde un Sistema de Indicadores de Cuidado en la Ciudad de México." +post_title: "Midiendo la oferta y demanda de los cuidados en la Ciudad de México" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "midiendo-la-oferta-y-demanda-de-los-cuidados-en-la-ciudad-de-mexico" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-01-22 10:27:06" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-01-22 10:27:06" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8051" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 6 => WP_Post {#1988 +ID: 8045 +post_author: "2" +post_date: "2023-10-30 10:02:36" +post_date_gmt: "2023-10-30 10:02:36" +post_content: "A collaborative project for the creation of a Care Indicator System in Mexico City." +post_title: "Measuring supply and demand for care in Mexico City" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "closed" +post_password: "" +post_name: "measuring-supply-and-demand-for-care-in-mexico-city" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-01-22 10:28:11" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-01-22 10:28:11" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.org/?post_type=resources&p=8045" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 7 => WP_Post {#1989 +ID: 6617 +post_author: "105" +post_date: "2023-07-21 04:37:03" +post_date_gmt: "2023-07-21 04:37:03" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>A competition launched in 2022 that sought solutions for climate action, through the use of public data. Launched in 2022, together with Agesic and the SNRCC and with the support of the IDB and the Open Data Institute and Microsoft as strategic allies. The proposals had to be: 1) applications or 2) data journalism and investigative projects. The proposals had to be: 1) applications or 2) data journalism and investigative projects.zz</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "Uruguay's Climate Change Open Data Innovation Challenge " +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "uruguay-climate-change-open-data-report" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2024-01-22 09:59:37" +post_modified_gmt: "2024-01-22 09:59:37" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6617" +menu_order: 0 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 8 => WP_Post {#1990 +ID: 6498 +post_author: "105" +post_date: "2023-05-24 14:14:53" +post_date_gmt: "2023-05-24 14:14:53" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>El presente documento es una sistematización de la realización del DesafíoGT: Impulso a la Innovación de Adquisiciones a Pagos, una iniciativa del Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas, El Fondo Monetario Internacional con apoyo de Open Data Charter que buscóidentificar y promover soluciones innovadoras con potencial en la mejora de procesos enlas finanzas públicas a partir del uso de datos públicos y abiertos.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "DESAFIOGT: Impulso a la Innovacion de Adquisciones a Pagos" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "desafiogt-impulso-a-la-innovacion-de-adquisciones-a-pagos" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-30 13:41:37" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-30 13:41:37" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6498" +menu_order: 1 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } 9 => WP_Post {#2110 +ID: 6190 +post_author: "104" +post_date: "2023-03-24 09:22:59" +post_date_gmt: "2023-03-24 09:22:59" +post_content: """ <!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n <p>Ya sea a nivel individual como colectivo, día a día tomamos decisiones vinculadas al cambio climáti-<br />co, las cuales tienen un impacto sobre la vida en la tierra tal como la conocemos, tanto para los seres humanos como para los ecosistemas. Para que gobiernos, empresarios o la ciudadanía en general<br />puedan tomar mejores decisiones, la disponibilidad de información de calidad resulta un asunto<br />vital.</p>\r\n <!-- /wp:paragraph --> """ +post_title: "Datos abiertos para la acción climática en Uruguay" +post_excerpt: "" +post_status: "publish" +comment_status: "closed" +ping_status: "open" +post_password: "" +post_name: "datos-abiertos-para-la-accion-climatica-en-uruguay-2" +to_ping: "" +pinged: "" +post_modified: "2023-12-14 22:18:20" +post_modified_gmt: "2023-12-14 22:18:20" +post_content_filtered: "" +post_parent: 0 +guid: "https://opendatacharter.net/?p=6190" +menu_order: 4 +post_type: "resources" +post_mime_type: "" +comment_count: "0" +filter: "raw" } ] +post_count: 10 +current_post: -1 +before_loop: true +in_the_loop: false +post: WP_Post {#1984} +comment_count: 0 +current_comment: -1 +found_posts: 76 +max_num_pages: 8.0 +max_num_comment_pages: 0 +is_single: false +is_preview: false +is_page: false +is_archive: true +is_date: false +is_year: false +is_month: false +is_day: false +is_time: false +is_author: false +is_category: false +is_tag: false +is_tax: true +is_search: false +is_feed: false +is_comment_feed: false +is_trackback: false +is_home: false +is_privacy_policy: false +is_404: false +is_embed: false +is_paged: false +is_admin: false +is_attachment: false +is_singular: false +is_robots: false +is_favicon: false +is_posts_page: false +is_post_type_archive: false -query_vars_hash: "9983a34c9359a879a5c7ff352be4515f" -query_vars_changed: false +thumbnails_cached: false #allow_query_attachment_by_filename: false -stopwords: null -compat_fields: array:2 [ 0 => "query_vars_hash" 1 => "query_vars_changed" ] -compat_methods: array:2 [ 0 => "init_query_flags" 1 => "parse_tax_query" ] }