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      +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Collection of 37 essays from almost 70 authors and supported by over 200 other contributors, on the current state of open data from a range of different perspectives, offering the most comprehensive attempt to explore the breadth and depth of the open data field to date.</span>"
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      +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">A handbook of innovative legal, technical and policy proposals, and a Guide to their implementation. Spanish version.</span>"
      +post_title: "Smarter crowdsourcing for anti-corruption"
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      +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Una guía práctica para apoyar a gobiernos y sus aliados en abrir datos para comprender riesgos, medir el progreso e informar la acción climática. Versión </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">beta.</span></i>"
      +post_title: "[Gitbook]: Guía de apertura: Usar datos para avanzar en la acción climática"
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      +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Un listado de los datasets relevantes para el clima, y cómo los administradores de datos podrían publicarlos en datos abiertos para mejorar la toma de decisión climática.</span>"
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      +post_content: "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Un listado de los datasets clave para combatir la corrupción en sus diversas etapas (prevención, detección, investigación y sanción), para responder a las redes de corrupción cada vez más complejas.</span>"
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      +post_content: "Chile is a successful open government reformer, by changing administrative practices and attitudes about transparency and access to information management."
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      +post_date: "2017-05-07 09:36:00"
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      +post_content: "The Global Open Data Index (GODI) is the annual global benchmark for publication of open government data, run by the Open Knowledge Network. The crowdsourced survey measures the openness of government data according to the <a href="http://opendefinition.org/">Open Definition</a>."
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      +post_content: "In this regional report we dig deeper into the Barometer’s results to take a closer look at the performance of the 11 countries in the Latin America region featured in the latest edition."
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