Climate Action

The Challenge

Data related to climate is varied and collected by multiple agencies in any given country, such as: meteorological services, regional and urban planning, natural resource and park management, and mapping agencies.

The Solution

The Open Up Guide for Climate action helps establish clarity and direction for governments looking to improve their climate-related open data publication.

Background for Climate Action

Open Up Guide for Climate Action

We hope the guide is used by national governments and institutions who are looking to prioritize and publish the most important climate-relevant data in their local contexts. We strongly believe that it is beneficial for governments to open up climate action data directly and hope that the Open Up Guide and its different versions help improve their climate-data publication.

Gitbook version

This version of the Open Up Guide to Advance Climate Action is an interactive version of the Guide and gives an overview of what an Open Up Guide is. This version also includes key climate-relevant data types (see Airtable version).

Airtable version

Go straight to the existing data examples! The Airtable version contains key climate-relevant data types. Whenever national or international datasets are available, we included links in the tables to serve as examples.

Report (PDF version)

This was the original version of the tool in PDF format meant to support governments and their partners to share climate-relevant data, by helping embed open data as a central ingredient to achieving solutions for climate action.

Toward Enhanced Climate Ambition: Transparency and Digital Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Climate data governance is a key step in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by innovative financial mechanisms, based on the provision of data and indicators that can attest to the achievement of a country’s climate targets and commitments. For example, green bonds require the bond issuer to communicate environmental or climate sustainability objectives to investors in a transparent manner, as well as to undergo external evaluation and review. This report was prepared by the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The research, which aimed to compile key milestones in the transparency agenda, began in February 2021 and concluded its editing phase in 2023. The primary objective of the report is to underscore the strategic synergies between the climate change, digitalization, transparency, and data accessibility agendas. This will enable the operationalization of the standards proposed under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and capitalize on the achievements made in relation to digitalization and data accessibility. These agendas present a unique opportunity to promote sustainable development through an informed and empowered citizenry.

Download: Eng | Spa.

Climate Action Tools

From our “Open Up Guide for Climate Action” to a recent collaboration with Uruguay’s Ministry of Environment, AGESIC and with some support from AIDB, a series of talks for an  Open Climate Data Challenge there’s plenty to take inspiration from. 

Our Work in Climate Action

Below is a comprehensive list of the Open Data Charter’s major climate action work for your reference:

  • Open Up Guide for Climate Action Report (Eng | Spa) | Gitbook (Eng | Spa) | Airtable (Eng | Spa)
  • Data for Climate Action in Chile, 2020 (Eng | Spa)
  • Open Data for climate action in Uruguay report, 2021 (Eng | Spa)
  • Implementing Open Data Strategies For Climate Action: Suggestions And Lessons Learned For Government And Civil Society Stakeholders Report with World Resources Institute, 2021 (English only)
  • Concurso de Datos Climáticos Abiertos Uruguay, 2023 (Eng|Spa)
  • The Open Data Community and Climate Report: Opportunities for Focused Collaboration, 2023 (English only)
  • Toward Enhanced Climate Ambition: Transparency and Digital Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024 (Eng | Spa)


  • Abriendo datos anticorrupción en Ecuador, 2021 (Eng)

You can also visit  our blog for more articles and writings on climate action.


Contact us for any information you need