In New Areas

Artificial Intelligence

AI and Open Data: Open Data Needs for AI and International Development

The Open Data Charter is excited to collaborate with Canada’s International Development Research Centre in this exploration of data needs for the use of AI in the global south. What open data is needed now and in the future by AI practitioners for their development initiatives?

Implementation Working Group call | Open Data and AI (May 2023) in English

Our Implementation Working Group meeting held on 23 May 2023 focused on understanding the gaps and possibilities for Open Data and AI. We invited speakers from the Global Index for Responsible, The GovLab and ILDA. The video is available in two languages:

Data Rights

Finding the Rights Balance: Access to Information and Data Protection in Africa

An overview of the data rights landscape in the region

Access to Public Information, Open Data, and Personal Data Protection:

How do they dialogue with
each other?

Acceso a la Información Pública, Datos Abiertos, y Protección de Datos Personales:

¿cómo dialogan entre sí?

Finding the ‘Rights’ Balance – Part I

How access to public information and open data complement each other

En búsqueda del balance:

Cómo se complementan el acceso a la información pública y los datos abiertos

Finding the ‘Rights’ Balance – Part II

7 ideas to harmonize debates surrounding open data and privacy

En búsqueda del balance:

“Acceso a la Información Pública y Protección de Datos Personales: el rol de la autoridad de aplicación”

A human-centric approach to personal data

Birds-eye view on the journey towards a fair, sustainable and prosperous digital society

Privacy, Public Transparency, and Climate Change

How transparency and data protection can help environmental public policies in Brazil

Preserving the democratic process without censorship:

Election integrity and freedom of expression

AI governance for and from the Global South

Building the basis for a sustainable and human rights centered development

Balancing on a Tightrope:

Transparency and Personal Data Protection in the EU


Contact us for any information you need